Like a Phoenix — Quick Recap of The Elemental Feast

Photo by The Curated Feast

Photo by The Curated Feast

Into the weekend like a Phoenix.

Here’s one of my favorite shots from Wednesday night’s Elemental Feast. This dish tells the story of Icanchu, a bird deity from Toba Mythology who drummed the world back into existence after a great fire burned everything to ashes.

Later that night, I was woken up (from a dream about perfect photo light) by the many sounds of a Northern Mockingbird. Since I pay close attention to the symbolic implications of such things (especially when it’s 3:33 am), I thought back to Icanchu the bird deity, and this dish. 🧞‍♂️✨🦅

The Mockingbird’s symbols include finding your sacred song, recognizing your innate abilities, learning through experience, overcoming fear, intelligence, power of song and story, confidence, and being a master imitator. As a storyteller and curator, the mockingbird also reminds me of my calling to a deep listening and then repeating and sharing important tales, through food.

I’m so grateful to everyone who attended this feast and who was a part of making it happen!

Liz PearComment